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Seven ways to help your child with their reading comprehension

Alex Chalmers
Head of Communications

Reading comprehension is an essential skill that children need to succeed in school and beyond. If your child is struggling with reading comprehension, there are several research-backed strategies you can use to help them improve.


Start early: Research has shown that children who are exposed to books and reading from a young age tend to have better reading comprehension skills than those who are not.


Set aside dedicated reading time: Regular reading time can help children develop the habit of reading, which can in turn improve their reading comprehension skills.


Choose appropriate books: Selecting books that are at the right level of difficulty for your child can help them feel more confident and motivated to read, which can improve their comprehension.


Discuss the book with your child: Asking your child questions about what they are reading can help them better understand the material and improve their comprehension skills.


Encourage your child to make connections: Helping your child make connections between what they are reading and their own experiences can deepen their understanding of the material and improve their comprehension.

Using deeply personalised books like the free books from Pibbon has been shown to help your child relate more to their books.


Help your child develop vocabulary: Expanding your child's vocabulary can help them better understand what they are reading, which can improve their comprehension.


Be a role model: Children often look up to their parents and emulate their behavior. By showing your child that you value reading and regularly engaging in reading yourself, you can inspire them to do the same and improve their reading comprehension skills.

Published 10/12/2022